He Makes All Things New (Free Downloadable Prints for Easter)
For the month of April, we are celebrating the Easter weekend – this one Friday, more than 2000 years ago, when Jesus endured death on the cross for us to redeem us from our sins, and rise again on the 3rd day (what we now know as Easter Sunday) to show us that He has overcome death and given us a new lease of life.
So for this month, I’ve designed 3 different lettering artworks to remind us that it is by His wounds that we are healed from our sins, He has risen and come to make all things new again and to be like Jesus and how He sets His mind not on the earthly things or how people sees Him, but on things above.
To download, simply sign up to be part of my mailing list, via this link, and I will be sending you free digital downloads of my hand lettering artwork every month. This month, you will be getting the printable versions and also screensaver versions (for desktops/ mobile phones) of the 3 artworks.
These downloadables are only free for 2 weeks, after which it will only be available for purchase on my Etsy Shop.
Happy Easter weekend, you guys!
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