Joining the 30s Club
I don’t usually do a birthday blog post but my birthday this year had been a really special one. I feel like I need to jot down this wonderful piece of memory because every time I think about the amazing people in my life who made my birthday celebration extra special this year, I can’t help but feel like my heart is filled to the brim with joy and gratitude.
Jayme and Rae were the first group of people to celebrate my birthday with me when we went for an Arts for All event the week before my actual birthday. The kids were having so much crazy fun that day and the mamas were so busy chasing after them and laughing our hearts out over their silly antics, I realise we didn’t even take a group photo of ourselves! Here’s one with the kids helping to blow out the candle on my yummy cookies & cream cheesecake. I can’t wait for them to meet and play together again!
On the Saturday just before my birthday, we went back to my parents’ place for dinner and while I know my family will be celebrating my birthday, I wasn’t expecting to celebrate with THREE birthday cakes! We joked that each birthday cake represents 10 years (and my mum requested to have 7 cakes when she turns 70), but I know every cake is full of blessings from my family to me so although that was a lot of calories to handle, I was so happy eating the cakes! Honestly though, I believe the blessings were for me, but the berries were obviously for Laurent lol! But I’m really, really thankful for all the love and care that my family has showered me with and how supportive they have always been.
Sunday was packed full of activities so we were out of the house before 9am. After a long day out, we returned home in the late afternoon and I was almost half asleep under the lazy afternoon heat when I opened the door to find 8 pairs of eyes staring back at me. I was so shocked I actually closed the door on them! When I finally regained my composure to open the door again, I was greeted by the sweetest bunch of people who promptly burst into a birthday song for me and showed me the GORGEOUS dessert table that they set up by themselves. Seriously, I felt like I was celebrating my 21st birthday and not my 30th! If I hadn’t been so overwhelmed by surprise, I think I might have cried. These girls have been part of my life since Secondary school and after braving through all of life’s ups and downs together for the past 17 years, I can only say I am extremely, extremely thankful that we are still part of each other’s lives as we move from one milestone to the other. They are the sisters that God has blessed me with, to bring the kind of love, joy and support into my life that only sisters can bring. Thank you girls so much for every single thing you have done for me and for all the kind and encouraging words (and even hard truths) that you have spoken into my heart to help me grow and be better. And of course, thank you to the guys too for being so spontaneous and doing some of the really hard work! And also to Wayne for coordinating all this and keeping me in the dark THE WHOLE TIME! This is such a beautiful surprise that I still feel overwhelmed whenever I think about it 🙂 In a good way of course!
On my actual birthday, we sent Laurent to school in the morning, went for a yummy hawker breakfast and I returned home to find a beautiful bouquet sitting at my door. Thank you again “Coen’s Mummy” for the lovely bouquet and beautiful birthday wish 🙂 And for posting Coen’s monthly update on my birthday as a little extra perk (because she knows how much I adore this little boy)!
We had a slow and relaxing day watching La La Land, going for a soak in the pool and a nice tea session at home with my birthday cake (that never seems to be finishing). We usually pack our birthdays with activities from morning to night so this is such a welcomed change. Slowing down the pace of life (even for that one day) and not having a day packed full of agenda and to-do list is so good for the soul, I think we should do this more often. Wait, is this a sign of growing old already?!
Just before my birthday dinner, we went for a shopping trip to get myself a birthday present. I’ve been wanting to get myself something special with some of the side income from my lettering endeavor and finally decided to splurge on a Chanel wallet because I’ve been thinking of getting one for the longest time and because I want to remind myself, while using it every day, to continue pursuing this creative passion.
We went on to have a nice dinner at White Grass in the beautiful Chijmes and ended the night with full belly and a full heart (and a full 8 hours sleep because Laurent was at his grandparents’ place hurhurhur).
I thought that was the end to my birthday celebrations but these awesome ladies, Nat, Shermeen and Susan, actually got me a birthday cake during our lunch meet-up and I got to celebrate my birthday again!
And I was still receiving birthday presents! I received the Gucci Soho Disco which I bought with some of the ang bao money that I received (my new mummy bag after using my Pandora Mini for more than 3 years!). Some of you were asking me how’s the bag because you’ve been wanting to get one, I’d say BUY IT. It’s versatile, sturdy, light, fits a lot more than it seems and Laurent loves playing with the tassel (whatever works right).
And over the weekend, we met Serene and her family for a playdate and this sweet lady gave me a Yankee diffuser set in one of my favourite scents, together with a really really sweet note. I am so grateful for this wonderful new friendship 🙂 And to more lunch meet-ups, please!
And I almost forgot to include the birthday present from my husband! Because he gave it to me like one month before my actual birthday… But I love it so much and have been using it really frequently. He didn’t get me a bag or a wallet (although I’ve kind of hinted him a few times) because he knows I’m very particular about what I want so he didn’t want to risk getting something which I might end up not liking. Instead, he got me something that he is familiar with and is also useful for what I’m doing. He got me a Manfrotto 055 tripod with horizontal column to take my flatlays! This thing is a GAME CHANGER because I no longer need to climb on chairs, bend down at an awkward angle, adjust for the perspective in every single shot and I can adjust the arrangement with BOTH HANDS. I would have never invested in this myself but after having it, I can’t imagine life without it.
And that was pretty much how I stepped into the 30s club. Far more amazing than what I had imagined and hoped for.
I remember when we were younger, my friends and I were always asking ourselves what will we be like when we turn 30. Now that I am officially 30, I must say it’s not quite like what I had imagined.
I did think that maybe I’ll be a mom by the time I turn 30, probably holding an office job and doing the regular 9-5 (although I did think that I was going to be dancing full time when I was in my Secondary school days). Beyond that, I would have never imagined myself to be working alongside my husband everyday, connecting with people through my blog (who are not my family and close friends), forming new friendships with some of you wonderful ladies that I met online, picking up hand lettering and even earning a side income for doing the things that bring me joy. My birthday season had been such a great reminder to me that God have been surrounding me with angels in my life (whether they realise it or not) and has blessed me with so many incredible opportunities that I have never even thought of.
Turning 30 had been an amazing experience for me and while I know (for sure) not all birthdays are going to be this crazy amazing, I know I have this beautiful piece of memory to keep with me forever 🙂
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